Economic revival of the corporate sector: outlook, prospects and guidelines for labor return

MexicoMexico, like many other countries in the world, has taken some steps towards economic reactivation, without neglecting the protocols for care protocols for the prevailing care protocols for the prevailing international health emergency.

This stage, where productive activities are gradually resuming, has been called the “new normality”. “new normality”.

In this sense, the and corporate sectors are redefining their processes and processes and processes and return protocols, as well as their business models, in some casesIn some cases, they are also redefining their business models in order to reactivate their activities with suppliers, customers and collaborators in the short and medium term.

The first industries to resume their activities are those related to construction, the automotive sector and mining, as they are considered essential work.

In order to improve the order of the return, a traffic light was traffic light epidemiological traffic lightin accordance with the development of the Covid-19 pandemic:

– Red. In this phase, only essential activities are carried out gradually and with follow-up protocols within the industries and companies.

– Orange. Sectors considered as non-essential may reopen, but under the regulations of healthy distance and reduced attendance in offices, stores and factories.

– Yellow. Reopening of public spaces, but with limited capacity.

– Green. Return to all activities, including educational activities.

In accordance with this dynamic, the economic reactivation plan in Mexico takes into account the return to normality, with due health care, under the principles of solidarity, non-discrimination, productive efficiency , shared responsibility , moral economy, and protection of health and life (1).

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Vallejo Industrial Zone: reconstruction of the past

The Economic Reactivation Plan at the federal level considers the different mechanisms of the states and municipalities to govern its implementation.

In this respect, it is considered of vital importance to reordering of production in terms of efficiency, taking care of health and occupancy times in offices, shops or factories, by permanently monitoring the health of workers to preventIn this regard, it is considered vital to reorganize production in terms of efficiency, taking care of health and occupancy times in offices, stores or factories, by permanently monitoring the health of workers to avoid contagion and the chain of transmission.

The economic reactivation approach aims to make labor production times and spaces more efficient.

economic reactivation return to offices with limited occupancy Vallejo Properties
The economic reactivation must go hand in hand with the sanitary control in the return to the offices and industrial and commercial spaces, with a limited occupation.

Likewise, Mexico’s economic recovery is related to a number of factors, such as activity in the United States, which is the country’s main trading partner, as well as oil to various factors, such as activity in the United States, which is Mexico’s main trading partner, as well as oil prices, tourismremittances and domestic consumption, which has been reduced by up to 60% (1).

Undoubtedly, these major challenges are part of the strategic road to strategic path for economic reactivation of the country. Some keys to achieve a balance between health care and economic recovery are (1):

1. Constant monitoring of the total number of cases and capacity to detect, manage and prevent contagion.

2. Continue to invest in the business sector in the business sector, especially to encourage a return to work with sufficient supplies and refurbished infrastructure, if necessary.

3. Implement measures in a differentiated manner, according to the region and the level of cases presented.

In this sense, the measures to reactivate the economy must be based on reorientation and health, since most activities cannot continue to stagnate. activities cannot continue to stagnate and, on the contrary, they must be carried out in and, on the contrary, they must be carried out in favorable spaces.

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Vallejo Industrial Zone: economic and productive present

Given the current situation, it is essential to reorganize work environments to optimize them to optimize them and make them practical, efficient and safe.

This is why the reconfiguration of companies plays a fundamental role for the economic reactivation in Mexico, since the corporate scenario must take into account the following when returning to work (2):

– Reorganize and consider the needs of the workforce. Some workers may be able to continue working remotely, given the type of activity, but in some other cases, it is necessary to activate points of sale, branches and offices, as they are an important area of contact with customers, investors, suppliers and other collaborators.

These spaces must be equipped to connect computers, screens, projectors, virtual reality equipment, among others.

In this aspect it is also important to provide an adequate, equipped and safe place for the collaborators, since in this phase of the new normality home office work (in terms of equipment and time management) is becoming tiring, inefficient or impossible to sustain.

Leading and communicating change. It is important to manage and address, as much as possible, employee concerns in order to lead with empathy and direction. In this regard, the crisis management team, if available, can be engaged to guide the transition and return to work, in order to ensure that communication follows the same course between remote and on-site collaborators.

– Prepare a training plan. This should build on the strengths developed prior to the isolation and those developed during the isolation, in order to train the team in the new processes, policies and procedures of the operation.

In this sense, it is essential to accelerate automation and digital transformation for the immediate future, which can be done with the help of a digital marketing agency.

digital marketing agency.

– Develop new measurement indicators. Metrics must be grounded to assess the success of the transition at the level of well-being, engagement and productivity, as it is a completely new process for most industries and countries in the world. In this way, corporate responsibility will be fulfilled in the midst of the labor return and health scenario.

The return to the work places must be carried out in a safe and formal manner Vallejo Properties
The return to the workplace must be carried out in a safe and formal manner. Resuming activities in the office will allow your work team to have the appropriate spaces for it.

In addition to these points, it is very important to to foster empathy with the policies and culture of return to work, and to operate under the new demands of customers, suppliers, investors, partners and collaborators.It is also important to operate under the new demands of customers, suppliers, investors, partners and employees, so it is essential to be attentive to these changes (2).

Similarly, at this point, companies have more information to develop an action plan for to elaborate an action planin relation to (2):

– New forms of work hybrid.

– Safety requirementssuch as the use of masks, gels, distance signage, worker testing, among others.

Tracing of contacts or possible contagion.

– Distribution of the workforce in different branches and offices, to promote physical distancing, while reconfiguring work schedules and shifts on site, and thus avoiding peak transportation occupancy.

It is also important to continue with the management of health and safety in the work environment and the spaces conducive to. For this reason, in Vallejo Properties, we suggest you to have a property that meets all your needs and those of your team. Check our catalog of offices located in Mexico City and the State of Mexico.

Check out the tips and trends in the new normal for office rentals.
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Vallejo Industrial Zone: future of the region

At present, it is essential to it is essential to recover workplaces and workplaces, which can be achieved by theThis can be achieved by means of the control measures indicated in the

Technical Guidelines for Sanitary Safety in the Work Environment.


The strategy for returning to activities in the “new normal” must consider all the measures that will allow you to safely install your work team in the appropriate spaces.

A option that is gaining relevance in corporate or work spaces, is the rental of offices office rentalbecause it allows you to make a controlled controlled investment in that sense, to install your collaborators and resume the and to resume the activities activities for your clients and investors.

The main recommendations on control and sanitation measures for a completely safe return are as follows (3) (4) to make the return completely safe are the following (3) (4):

Security protocol

– Planning. To have a committee responsible for implementing, following up and supervising the new measures, in addition to identifying the type of alert and keeping the work team informed about the general sanitary status.

Define health promotion measures. Consider the areas of the office: common areas, departments, customer service areas, cubicles, meeting rooms, warehouses, among others, to disseminate the measures.

– Select health protection measures. Implement with protocols and equipment the actions to take care of collaborators and people entering, in general, the offices.

Likewise, outbreak prevention measures should be taken in the company; that is, people with symptoms should be sent home (after a medical check-up) and those who have been in contact with a possible carrier should be identified for medical follow-up and, if necessary, home protection should be applied.

Information and training. Install official infographics, inform about the return strategy, train workers about current regulations and promote “non-discrimination” with respect to people who have had Covid-19.

– Temporary policies. Consider that the measures generated in the work centers are intended to reduce contagion, so they will not last forever, but their success depends on the reduction of risk in the work area and the area in which it is located.

– Counseling and accompaniment. It is important to monitor and supervise at all times the provisions that are established at a general level and with the competent authorities, to review possible modifications or updates at the work center.

– Completion of the Health Safety Self-Assessment document. This last point refers to completing the process officially with the authorities in charge.

Economic reactivation Vallejo Properties
Office rental is a current trend to have adequate and safe spaces for your work team. Transition and return to your activities successfully.

Spaces secure and controlled

– The entry and exit should be controlled to differentiate entrances and exits exclusively for personnel, even with physical barriers. There must be sanitary filters to identify possible carriers of the virus.

– If someone is identified as a possible carrier should be isolate and redirect them to their home or hospital, depending on the severity of the case.

– Antibacterial gel should be provided in all offices antibacterial gel and verify the correct use of correct use of the mouth coverThe mask must be worn at all times.

– We suggest the use of disinfectant mats with low concentration of sodium hypochlorite.

Healthy distance policies

– To have training to know how to prevent and control the spread of the virus with measures such as hand washing, proper sneezing and coughing, and avoiding spitting and touching your face with your hands.

– Generate cleaning and disinfection protocols on surfaces and objects of common use in offices, cubicles and meeting rooms.

– Follow the physical distance of one and a half meters between people.

– Establish alternating schedules to occupy common areas such as restrooms and eating or meeting areas.

– Ensure drinking water, soap, toilet paper, disposable towels and antibacterial gel on a permanent basis.

– To have sufficient stockpiles of disposable products.

– Implement the use of ladders with a healthy distance and without touching the handrails, in addition to ensuring that in the elevator there are no more than two people per square meter. It is highly recommended to wash your hands after touching the buttons in the elevator.

– Have face shields and face shields among workers, if possible.

– In case of having population considered vulnerable (elderly, pregnant women, people with diabetes, hypertension, etc.) (elderly, pregnant women, people with diabetes, hypertension, etc.) in the workforce, it is necessary to have a medical follow-up and assign their work remotely, but if this is not possible, these people should have protective equipment on site.

After making these considerations for micro, small, medium and large companies, it will be possible to make a safe transition of work teams to offices. It is important to remember that the health situation is temporary; therefore, it is essential to have a return route for put into operation and facilitate the transition.

Having safe and equipped spaces is of vital importance to avoid human and economic losses. avoid human and economic losses that will have the greatest impact on your business. At Vallejo Properties we give you a high quality real estate solution. Contact us for more details about our catalog.

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Learn all about the new ways of working in 2021: trends and designs.


1. Bind ERP. Economic recovery: the role of the companies. Bind ERP, n.d. Accessed April 12, 2021.

2. PWC. COVID-19: Returning to the workplace. PricewaterhouseCoopers Mexico, 2020. Accessed April 12, 2021.

3. Secretary of Health. Technical Guidelines for Sanitary Safety in the Work Environment. Federal Government, 2020. Accessed April 12, 2021.

4. Editorial staff Animal Político. Hygiene, healthy distance and IMSS surveillance: the protocol for companies resuming activities. Animal Político, 2020. Accessed April 13, 2021.

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