In Mexico, 2.8% of the most prominent companies belong to the real estate services field . There are 14 companies that stand out among the 500 most important in the country (1) due to their number of sales, the size of the company and the investment figures.
These are: Fibra Uno, Grupo GP, RUBA, Casas Javer, Consorcio ARA, Inmuebles Carso, Fibra Danhos, Corpovael Inmobiliaria, FibraHotel, Fibra Terrafina, Fibra Prologis, Fibra Macquarie México, Vinte Inmobiliaria and Davisa (1).
Many of them support their work based on the resources of the trust and consulting in the field of construction and development of real estate projects.
As you know, There are different types of properties: residential, commercial and industrial. In the event that you are looking for a place for your business, which can be a commercial premises, an office, a standard warehouse, industrial, built to suit , even a ship, You must know some aspects of the real estate sector to make the best decision.
In Mexico, 50 million searches are carried out
of properties each month (2).
What are they and what do real estate companies do?
Real estate companies are companies that carry out operations with properties. This type of actions can be from buying and selling, rent , transfer, until development and construction, properly, of spaces such as houses, apartments, local , buildings , ships , wineries , Offices , land, among others (3).
These types of companies negotiate between the seller or developer
(who can be themselves) and who buys.
The main activities of these companies are focused on the development of projects, as well as their concept, promotion and sale. They are also dedicated to evaluating the space, growth facilities, locations and technical conditions of the property, which are related to its development or purchase (3).
They comply with analyzing the real estate market, highlighting and promoting the appropriate homes, keeping the requirements up to date to make the places operable, processing the rent with the necessary documentation and advising you at all times, to make the process easier (4).
In the event that the same company is dedicated to building, it is known as a “developer”, since their work involves evaluating the terrain, drawing up plans, choosing materials and building the work from its foundations (3).
Sometimes this can be important if you are looking for a custom space for your business. In Vallejo Properties we offer you the option of built to suit for the construction of warehouses with your requirements.
If you want to know more about industrial warehouses for your business, we invite you to read:
“Industrial warehouses: characteristics, areas and recommendations”.
Types of real estate companies
Real estate companies can belong to the sector in two ways: 1) by the type of relationship they have or 2) by the type of property they offer.
The first classifies companies into real estate developers, consultants, brokers, builders, suppliers or bank / investment fund (5), since all these players participate in the real estate industry. In some cases, companies not only provide consulting, but develop and build. It is important to differentiate them to know their functions and scope.
Most of the real estate developers, industry suppliers and banking institutions operate in cities such as Querétaro, Monterrey, Guadalajara and Mexico City, while consultants are more present in CDMX, Querétaro, Cancun and Playa del Carmen (5) .
The real estate industry generates more than 260 billion pesos and creates about 2.5 million jobs, which is equivalent to 6% of the total occupation of the country (6).
The second point, about the type of property, refers to whether it is a residential real estate (houses, apartments or land with that type of soil), commercial and / or corporate (warehouses, offices, local and land with that land use) or industrial (warehouses or warehouses), depending on the space it offers.
In the vast majority of occasions, companies are dedicated to all these areas, but in some cases you will find real estate specialized in real estate. At Vallejo Properties we are especially dedicated to the commercial, corporate and industrial fields. If you want to know more details about our properties, Get in contact with us .
It is also necessary to point out that the real estate sector is quite dynamic, so you will find a combination of types of the first and second areas, since there is no exclusive classification in this regard.
CDMX real estate companies
Companies in Mexico City have a determining role in long-term investment in the real estate sector, in the current scenario of acceleration of electronic commerce.
The country’s capital is a strategic area of connection with other states , in accordance with commercial and labor centralization, in addition to being a support area for the transit of goods through storage warehouses in industrial areas, such as Vallejo.
Especially in Mexico City, the trend has moved towards leasing, Due to the costs in square meters, which depend on the rental area.
Investment in the development of mixed uses is present as a trend to agglomerate, in the same space, homes, offices, premises, shopping centers and community areas, to shorten distances and achieve functional and comprehensive spaces (7).
If you want to know what is the projection of office rent after the pandemic, consult:
“Office rental: trend guide and recommendations for the new normal”.
Even with this scenario, the rental and sale of space has been present in real estate environmentsThe company’s main objective is to offer the best real estate services, both in the companies of the sector and in the portals, such as Inmuebles24, Lamudi, Vivanuncios, Free Marketamong others, which have played an important role in the preservation and commercial acceleration of this item.
Quality Real Estate
This real estate agency has 20 years of experience in the field, with consulting services, real estate development and real estate marketing, under the scheme of sale, rent and temporary rent. It has commercial properties such as warehouses, buildings, premises, offices, warehouses and industrial and commercial land (8).
Century 21 Real Estate
It has a presence throughout the country and has nine more subsidiaries throughout the entire American continent. Its central office in Mexico is in CDMX, and it has a commercial department that includes more than 350 land, premises, offices and warehouses (9).
Vallejo Properties
In Vallejo Properties we are specialists in the commercial, corporate and industrial fields, through the selection, construction and adaptation of special properties for your business.
We have warehouses, premises, offices and industrial buildings in the area of Vallejo, Polanco, and the colonies Doctors and Juárez, of the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office, in Mexico City , in addition to having properties of this type in the municipality of Tultitlán, State of Mexico .
These different locations are strategic for your business or company. If you want to have more information to expand your business, contact us .
If what you are looking for is an industrial warehouse, we suggest you review our text:
“Industrial building: guide with everything you need to know”.
Panorama of industrial-type real estate in CDMX
During 1Q2020, the commercialization of industrial spaces in CDMX grew 35%. The new demand totaled 120 thousand square meters, in the trajectory of this sector to drive the growth trend in the different commercial corridors of the city (10).
Despite the global situation caused by the health emergency, there is an increase in demand for this type of space due to the increase in electronic commerce, on the one hand, but also because large global supply chains are looking to shorten distances as they pass through Mexico. (10).
An important part of that dynamism is the occupation of corridors in the metropolitan area of CDMX . For example in Vallejo Properties We have industrial spaces located in Tultitlán, State of Mexico.
The presence of industrial-type real estate options is also important in corridors such as Huehuetoca-Tepeji and Tepotzotlán where more than 80 thousand square meters were recently delivered for companies dedicated to agribusiness, consumption, manufacturing and logistics (10).
During 1Q2020, the commercialization of industrial spaces grew 35%, with a new demand of 120 thousand square meters in CDMX (10).
Recommendations for the rental of real estate in CDMX
Whether you choose to search for your property directly in a real estate company or in a specialized portal, you must take into account the reliability of the site, the support of its experience and advice. that they can provide you to locate and adapt the space you require, since it is very important to have flexibility to optimize your premises, warehouse or office, in accordance with the current regulations.
As a recommendation, we tell you that it is essential to consider several options, compare characteristics, prices, benefits and locations, according to your objectives and budget, so that it really is an investment in your business to have a physical spacewhich continues to be of vital importance for the exhibition, distribution and sale of products and services.
Remember to follow the entire digital route to contact the real estate, owner of the space you want, but do not rule out offline contact, that is, direct visit, to know the place, the implementations they have and the facilities they can give you at the location and services level.
The visit to the property (winery, office, premises or warehouse) is not substitutable, and can be done safely following health protocols, while you move forward with everything else online.
If you want to know more about trends in ecommerce and warehouse rental, we suggest you read: “Wineries: trends, projections and recommendations for the sector after the pandemic”.
Trends in the real estate sector
In 2019, commercial and labor projects were worked towards a mixed-use objective and community, sharing the space through the coworking approach, aimed at small and medium-sized companies. This was achieved through accessible financing schemes, a clear context of urbanization, and technological advances (5).
But nevertheless, after the pandemic there will be a rearrangement of work teams, with the incorporation of home office dynamics, healthy distance and health measures , which will aim to integrate technological guidelines, training and integration to the real estate sector, to adapt the spaces under the new provisions.
If you want to know more about the topic of commercial premises, we suggest you read:
“Rent of commercial premises in CDMX: costs and benefits”.
This will require new strategies of commercialization and occupation of spaces , adjustments to reduce the density in the offices, the reversion to open projects and the expansion of meetings, contacts and communications in a digital way.
Further, there will be an increased demand for industrial and commercial space (dark kitchensstorage warehouses) with a mixed preference scheme (integration of office, commercial and living spaces into one), the imminent renovation and digitalization of the sectorThe constant disinfection of spaces and compliance with safety standards, including during visits to the building (11).
Currently, more than 50% of contact points
for business they are digital (11).
If you are interested in offices for rent, we recommend you consult our article:
“Offices for rent in CDMX: areas and recommendations”.
Even though the increase in e-commerce and the trend towards home office is determining many of the commercial and labor dynamics in the world This does not mean a decrease in the demand for physical spaces to carry out work.
In fact, this is being fundamental to bring companies closer to final consumers, as a place, or several, is required for the transfer of goods, in the case of distribution centers; to carry out activities in various industries under the guidelines of healthy distance in warehouses and industrial buildings; as well as the implementation of specific tasks in offices and land that, in addition, must meet a series of requirements to operate.
Thus It is very important to have professional advice to locate the ideal space and optimize its use depending on your business, whether physical or digital. At Vallejo Properties you can count on us to guide you through the process at all times .
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