One of the most important regions in Mexico City is Vallejo, specifically the industrial zone. Such is its relevance that the post-pandemic economic reactivation plan of the country’s capital considers it a priority , given its location and history (1).
The plan for the Vallejo Industrial Zone aims to improve the technological field, which mainly impacts the industrial sector, since a large part of its development, efficiency, quality, and safety are based on the tools and operational processes it has.
The strategy to strengthen the area includes the first investment of more than 700 million pesos, between the local government and private corporations (1).
In this sense, the focus is to turn the area into an administrative, operational, and research reference for the industrial sector with a national scope. For now, there are already about 10 interested private projects (1).
One of the pillars of the project is Center for Development and Technological Innovation (CDIT) Vallejo-i, which will have as mission strategy design for economic reactivation and social impact, in the framework of the Covid-19 pandemic (1).
These proposals for the area are intended torecover the legacy and history of one of the most important industrially productive areas in the region.
If you are interested in the real estate sector, consult our text:
“Real estate in CDMX: guide to trends, companies and recommendations after the pandemic”
Vallejo Industrial Zone: reconstruction of the past
The Vallejo Industrial Zone is located in the northern region of the Azcapotzalco mayor’s office, in Mexico City. The name is due to the owner of the land, which at that time were farms of Antonio Vallejo placeholder image (2), where agriculture and livestock work were carried out.
In the middle of the 20th century, During the Porfiriato, the industrialization stage began, therefore, several areas of Mexico City passed from agricultural, livestock, and dairy production to the ranks of industrial development (2).
In fact, in 1944 the Vallejo Industrial Zone was decreed by President Manuel Ãvila Camacho, taking as a reference the former Hacienda de Vallejo and the San Antonio area (3).
5 million square meters of the land went from agriculture to the industrial sector, filling the area with factories (2).
In this sense, the first colonies to transform were Atlampa, Vallejo and later, the rest of Azcapotzalco (2). En la década de los 60 y 70 fue cuando la zona creció y alcanzó un uso de suelo no sólo industrial, sino de servicios, creando un polÃgono de gran relevancia, conformado por fábricas, talleres, almacenes, bodegas y oficinas (3).
This region, which actually was considered part of the periphery in the City, is now one of the most important industrial centers. Si estás buscando un espacio para tu negocio en esta región, contáctanos para conocer lo que podemos ofrecerte.
In its fastest growing stage, it had 800 stores. Furthermore, almost 15% of the most important companies in the country were established in the area (3).
In fact, in the second half of the 20th century, the Azcapotzalco Refinery and the Vallejo Industrial Zone were the economic engine of the then Federal District. After the closure of the refinery, the earthquake of 1985 and the commercial acceleration of other areas, Azcapotzalco’s demography was affected, falling from 600,000 to 400,000 inhabitants (4).
From that date to the present, a reconversion and growth strategy had not been proposed for the area, despite being considered a strategic area with great national and local impact.
If what you are looking for is information about commercial premises, we suggest you review our article: “Rent of commercial premises: economic activation guide”.
Vallejo Industrial Zone: economic and productive present
The investment project in the area aims to expand the uses of the industrial sector, in addition to taking advantage of the favorable location (1), since it connects with the main entry and exit routes of the city.
What is the potential of the area? Vallejo produces 0.5% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) nationwide (1).
This plan is visible in the web site dedicated to the area, where negotiations between the companies and local authorities are being managed, to facilitate communications of the 29 procedures related to investment in the area, so that the process is uniform and transparent among the agencies involved (1).
Investment scenarios consider different institutions and companies in Vallejo as part of the Advisory Council, such as the Universidad Panamericana (UP), the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), Pepsico, Femsa, Coppel, Estafeta, Devlyn, Bimbo, Concamin, among others, (5). In addition, the Vallejo-i Private Trust was created as part of the project.
On the other hand, the provision of the Vallejo-i CDIT represents the largest industrial innovation in the Valley of Mexico (6).
With a total investment of 75 million pesos (in two stages, one still in development) the data center was built most important in the region, sponsored by (6):
– National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt).
– Confederation of Industrial Chambers of the United Mexican States (Concamin).
– Geo Education Center.
– National Polytechnic Institute (IPN).
– Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), among other institutions.
The objective is provide technological autonomy and generate industrial knowledge in Mexico City, as it is planned as a 4.0 laboratory for the creation of comprehensive technological solutions and services in the industrial and logistics sector (which is the strongest in the area).
With this they are intended streamline and synchronize themes of the internet of things, geointelligence, robotics, industrial logistics, code school, prototyping, manufacturing, technology transfer, intellectual and industrial property, intelligent services, as well as collaboration between businesses, entrepreneurship and research (6) (7).
In addition to the industrial theme, there has also been an investment in the public sector of 248.7 million pesos for the rehabilitation of Ceylán Avenue, where the drinking, treated and drainage water system was changed (7).
Current infrastructure projects include the renovation of Ceylán Avenue, the completion of the CDIT and the creation of the Transfer Station, in addition to the urban development project.
Another relevant topic is the Vallejo Urban Development Partial Program Project 2020-2050 that aims to target the urban-industrial regeneration to integrate land-use issues (industrial, commercial, services and housing), together with a cultural, educational and public space infrastructure, with safe and habitable access in the area (8).
In this sense, relevance will be given to the generation of employment, the development of infrastructure and the transformation of the area (8).
Without a doubt, the present and future of this region is a great incentive for the investment and installation of your business, taking advantage of the transformation at the door. Write to us to advise you on the matter and inform you about our property catalog .
If what interests you is to know the real estate market, we share this text:
“Real estate market: spaces, trends and projections 2020-2021”.
Development axes for the Vallejo Industrial Zone
The proposal for the region is based on six axes (9):
Infrastructure projects. It includes public and / or private investment to build centers and collaboration spaces for the plans in progress.
2. Quality of life and urban improvement. Regarding hydraulic issues, roads, mobility and public safety.
Governance and financing. It touches on the issue of participation schemes to implement and finance projects between the government and companies.
4. Territorial planning. It refers to the instruments and strategies for the mobilization and planning of properties.
5. Education, training and research. It covers the educational offer and spaces for science and technology.
6. Industrial development strategy. It is about the virtual and physical scheme to attract and promote investment in the industrial estate.
More than 500 hectares of industrial land, 17 sectors and about 50 thousand jobs are involved in the renovation project of the area (9).
Further, Vallejo is not only strategic because of its industrial potential, the location and connection to public transport, such as the Metro, Metrobús and Suburban Train (10), but for the human capital it gathers.
Therefore, if you are looking for a commercial, corporate or industrial space for your business in this area, Get in contact with us.
Learn more about the CEDIS at:
“Distribution centers (CEDIS): types, characteristics and trends
for the strategic management of these spaces â.
CDIT: work and collaboration
This center is one of the main bets of the present and future of the area. The focus of this space is sustainable, multidisciplinary and multi-institutional, and it is located in the International Business Center of Azcapotzalco. The detail of this project includes (10) (11):
Data Center on technological issues of the CDMX, becoming one of the digital brains of greater capacity, with hybrid cloud and world-class certification.
2. Cluster of laboratories 4.0, which will provide technological and integral services for the logistics and industrial sector.
3. Materials and prototyping laboratory with computerized development, 3D printing, electrical circuits, metalworking tools and digital library of materials.
4. Computer laboratory, where scientific and technological services will be provided in the creation of intelligent solutions for the city.
5. Business linkage space to promote applied research activities, training, entrepreneurship and labor, technological and business certification.
6. Observatory for technological development and innovationas a situation room to promote collaboration, dialogue and training.
The Data Center aims to be
the most important in Latin America (10).
This complies with the expectations for job creation in CDMX , since Vallejo is one of the key areas on the subject, along with the Central de Abastos and the Airport (10).
If you are looking for an industrial warehouse, we recommend you read our article:
“Industrial building: guide with everything you need to know”.
Growth figures
Vallejo, and in general the Azcapotzalco municipality, generate relevant figures in economic terms. Among these data, the following stand out (12):
– Azcapotzalco’ s Economic Units represent 4.08% of the CDMX.
– 4.91% of the Economically Active Population of Mexico City is from Azcapotzalco. Tertiary activities, such as industrial activities, represent 89% of local production, at the CDMX level, and 25% at the national level.
– In fact, 8.5% of the City’ s GDP is made up of branches of the industrial sector.
Vallejo Industrial Zone: future of the region
The future scenario for the Vallejo Industrial Zone considers that part of the investment will go to the improvement of public spaces and transportation to provide quality mobility in the area, both for the people who work and for those who live there (1).
Further, houses will be built on the avenue, considering that 40% are accessible to workers in the area, allowing them to be better located and very close to their work centers (1).
Too a Solid Waste Transfer Center, with the idea of promoting an environmental perspective in one of the most important industrial complexes. With this space, we will seek to establish a new standard for the use and evaluation of these elements (9).
Asimismo es relevante el desarrollo de estrategias digitales para el sector industrial, que le permitirán colocarse en la vanguardia comercial y estratégica. Para eso se recomienda consultar con unaagencia de marketing digitalque impulse medidas a corto, mediano y largo plazo enfocadas a tu negocio.
The cost of the Solid Waste Transfer Center is approximately 450 million pesos. It is expected to be active at the end of 2020 (1).
Learn more about industrial areas for lease at:
“Guide to industrial areas for rent in Mexico City:
concepts, locations and trends â.
Comprehensive perspective of the area
In this way, as we see, investment in the area is not only economic, but also educational, research and ecological for make Vallejo an even more strategic and avant-garde industrial estate.
Efforts in this area would be worth be replicated in other industrial areas of the country such as Iztapalapa or Tultitlán (outside the CDMX).
In fact, at Vallejo Properties we have properties in these highly relevant industrial areas. If you want to know about our offer of spaces, get in touch with us and we will give you all the details.
In addition to the technological perspective, which allows giving sovereignty to the region, the Vallejo Industrial Zone wants to consolidate as a space for linking between industry, academia, education sector, and government (6).
All this will have to translate into the resolution of specific problems for the city, which will be strengthened by science and technology. Con esto, Vallejo se convertirá en un polo industrial ejemplar en términos de inversión e investigación. Si quieres ser parte de esta transformación,escrÃbenos, seguro tenemos el espacio ideal para tu empresa o negocio.
If you want to know more about this sector, see:
“Industrial sector: economic perspective, keys, projections and trends 2021”.
Arturo Ordaz Diaz.
CDMX bets to strengthen industrial zone in Vallejo.
. Forbes, 2020. Retrieved October 13, 2020.
2. Wiki Mexico
Vallejo Industrial Zone
. Centro de Estudios de Historia de México, s / f. Retrieved October 13, 2020.
3. Vallejo-i. History of the Vallejo Industrial Zone. Azcapotzalco, s / f. Retrieved October 13, 2020.
4. Vallejo-i. About us. Azcapotzalco, s / f. Retrieved October 13, 2020.
5. Vallejo-i. consultive advice. Azcapotzalco, s / f. Retrieved October 13, 2020.
6. Atalo Mata. Vallejo-i technological development center inaugurated. Excelsior, 2020. Retrieved October 13, 2020.
Jorge Almazán. In Azcapotzalco, the Center for Technological Development and Innovation opens in Vallejo. Millennium, 2020. Retrieved October 13, 2020.
8. Azcapotzalco.
Vallejo-i Program: Industry and Innovation.
Azcapotzalco, s / f. Retrieved October 14, 2020.
9. Vallejo-i. Vallejo-i Industry & Innovation. Azcapotzalco, s / f. Retrieved October 13, 2020.
10. Antonio Garcia. Concamin and GCDMX agree to create a Data Center in Vallejo. Urban Center, 2020. Retrieved October 13, 2020.
11. Vallejo-i. Vallejo-i Technological Development and Innovation Center. Vallejo-i Project: Industry and Innovation (video), 2020. Retrieved October 13, 2020.
12. Vallejo-i. Statistical data. Azcapotzalco, s / f. Retrieved October 14, 2020.